How Can I Help Older People With Mental Illness?

The mind is a powerful tool, and something which does unfortunately begin to deteriorate as we get older. You may be in a position of caring for someone elderly who is suffering with mental illness, and should this be the case, the need for effective support can help you make a real difference to their life. 

We are driven to help not only those who we support, but also people outside of our care with really simple and handy tips to improve people’s wellbeing. Below are just some of the many ways you can help someone suffering with mental health problems. 

Challenge The Mind 

Try to ensure their mind isn’t left dormant for prolonged periods of time. You need to keep this active, with one of the most effective methods being problem solving games. A simple puzzle or crossword will provide crucial periods of respite for their mind, given how this has now been completely tuned into one specific activity. 

Keep Them Physically Active 

Keeping active serves us all well, not least people who experience challenges with their mental health on a regular, daily basis. Depending on the individual, you may want to explore fast-paced activities, whereas others may be better suited to slower alternatives. Regarding the former, you could maybe consider a light jogging session arranged with other like minded people, and for the latter, things like yoga not only relieves stress, but this can also bolster the connection someone has between their body and mind. 

Develop Interests

Having something to focus on can also make a real difference. Sometimes people just need a reason to feel enthusiastic about life and the future, so look into hobbies you feel would be most suitable, especially anything which involves other people. The idea of comradery and common interests could help them feel more grounded and purposeful. 

Have a Chat 

Being left alone is never a nice feeling for anyone, so even a five minute chat could prove really effective, given  how the presence of someone else will provide them with some much needed reassurance. The mind tends to wander and overthink just about anything when we’re left alone, so try and minimise this as much as you can. 

Keep Their Life Organised 

Someone living with mental illness may find it hard to streamline their routine each week. Not only will this worsen the effects of poor mental health, but they may fail to acquire, and even take, the required medication. So, be that extra pair of hands with in-home assisted living to prompt them, or even take full control of their weekly routine, that way, even when they’re struggling themselves, you have safeguarded against potentially serious issues.

If you would like to find out more or access our services, please visit to use our online chat service. You can also get in touch with our team on 0800 086 8686 or by sending an email to If you’d like to assess your care and support needs rapidly online, we have a tool available for you to do this. 

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