No matter how much you try to prepare for the loss of a loved one, it is always a difficult time. When it comes to support for end-of-life care, depending on the situation, there are different options. We look at some of the ways you can provide support for palliative care.
What is palliative care?
When someone moves onto palliative care, this means they have an incurable illness, or they are reaching the end of their life. This stage in a person’s life can last a few days, months, or even more than a year. Not knowing when it will happen is distressing for families but, unfortunately, it is impossible to predict exactly how long someone has left to live.
This can be a confusing time for both families and those at end of life. In some cases, a healthcare provider might decide to stop the person’s standard medications as they are no longer useful. Instead, they might prescribe a painkiller to make someone comfortable, and they might recommend a more holistic approach to care.
From a healthcare perspective, a palliative care team might include different types of professionals, such as specialist nurses, therapists and carers.
Caring for those at end of life
When someone reaches end-of-life, the person may benefit from different types of support, including psychological and spiritual. If they follow a certain faith, they might wish to speak to their Vicar, Priest, Rabbi, Brahmin or Iman.
Some people want to put “their affairs in order”, which might require the attendance of a solicitor. It is important to make sure the person’s financial situation is protected, such as having a legally valid Will. This should only be discussed if the person feels well enough or has the necessary mental capacity to sign the documentation.
Social support is also important at this stage of someone’s life. Families might offer to sit with the person in shifts to ensure they always have someone with them, but this is not always possible. Many families feel afraid about leaving a loved one at night, especially if they have children to attend to as well.
Round-the-clock care
Our carers can fill in any care gaps with bespoke hours to ensure our support fits in with your family’s commitments. This gives you peace of mind when you’re away, knowing you have someone to monitor the situation and if you need to be called back in. Most importantly of all, your loved one knows they are not alone.
If your family member is on palliative care and wishes to stay at home, Promedica24 offers end-of-life care. Our carers can provide 24/7 support, ad hoc visits and night sits. When we feel the time has come, we will call you so you can be there at the end.
For more details on our support for end-of-life care, please get in touch with our team. Promedica24 provides hourly home care for people living in Blaby and Lutterworth, South Leicestershire.
For more details, please email Lisa Colver:
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