The main rehabilitation process for Strokes will have taken place at the hospital, after which you may be in a position to come back home and continue with your life. Since a Stroke can leave lasting effects on someone’s ability to speak and perform everyday tasks, additional support may be needed to assist with activities like preparing food, communicating with people, and moving around the home.
Every case is different, where the recovery time and any measures needed will be dictated by the severity of the Stroke that took place. It could be a quick journey back to some form of normality, but you may be in a position where long-term strategies are needed. Here, we have taken a look at some of things you may need to consider if you are in a position to return home after suffering a Stroke.
Mental Health
Your mental health may well have taken a real beating, as Strokes can completely change the outlook you have on life, owing to new limitations you never had before. It’s important to have tactics in place at home which aim to combat feelings of depression and anxiety, especially since this can lead to further complications like panic attacks.
It can be helpful to have a support network around you, which could be your family or any close friends. Should problems become a frequent affair, then seeking out weekly assessments from a psychiatrist could get into the heart of your thought processes and create a clear roadmap which can help boost your well-being.
Your Brain
The cognitive impact from many Strokes can be rather significant, which means you may face difficulty with things like communication and basic spacial awareness. Perhaps look into arranging rooms so that they are designed to ease any confusion you might have when deciding where things are in relation to your body. It can be hard for Stroke sufferers to solve problems when they arise, so alleviating the possibility of this even coming about will make every day slightly less problematic to navigate.
Some of the most basic yet simple ways to help you counter what may have been a significant amount of damage inflicted on your brain would be using lists and sticking to routines. You could map out each day well in advance and create a pattern to each week so that certain activities can be anticipated. Taking the element of surprise out of your life and creating a more predictable lifestyle will ensure you can manage your thinking much better.
Basic Movements
When you first arrive home, you might experience an unfamiliar level of fatigue or find yourself falling asleep on a regular basis. You may also find sleep in the evenings slightly irregular which can make mornings unmotivated and sluggish. The best advice in this regard is to persist and push through, time is a great healer and what was once difficult can become a lot easier with more repetition.
With regards to movement, everyone experiences a different level of mobility after having a Stroke. Whilst rehabilitation is advised to help regain lost mobility, there is no defined timeline or process that works for everyone, as such, live-in Stroke care could be considered. Live-in Stroke care means someone is permanently available with experience supporting Stroke survivors with things like getting dressed, showering, and performing daily tasks.
If movement up and down the stairs is difficult, home mobility solutions such as stairlifts could be beneficial too.
You Are Not Alone
Throughout the entire month of May, people who have been affected by a Stroke are being actively encouraged to raise awareness. Since the pandemic has taken up lots of funding and time which would have otherwise been allocated to research and treatment, there has never been a more crucial period in which to pledge your support and help major breakthroughs happen sooner rather than later. Be sure to check out the range of activities being organised by the Stroke Association over the next few weeks and download your fundraising pack.
If you would like to find out more or access our services, please visit to use our online chat service. You can also get in touch with our team on 0800 086 8686 or by sending an email to If you’d like to assess your care and support needs rapidly online, we have a tool available for you to do this.
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